
Nervous system rebalancing
for whole body relief


Direct tissue work
to release and realign


Heal trauma
and decrease stress


Movement education,
strengthen and lengthen

H Consent

The Body Centered Consent

CranioSacral Therapy, Rolfing, Somatic Experiencing

I hereby apply to work with Justin Farrell. I understand my sessions with Justin may include techniques from CranioSacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing and/or Rolfing Structural Integration. I further understand that the treatment is body based and involves therapeutic touch. If I experience any sensations beyond those I’m able to handle, I will immediately inform the therapist so that he may make adjustments as needed. I have the right to refuse or terminate the treatment at all times, refuse manual techniques, or any other intervention. I understand that bodywork practitioners do not diagnose illness, disease or any physical or mental disorder, nor do they prescribe medical treatment, pharmaceuticals or perform spinal thrust manipulations. I acknowledge that therapeutic bodywork is not a substitute for medical examination or diagnosis and that it is recommended that I see a primary health care provider for that service.
Cancelation Policy:
I understand that if I arrive late, my session will end at the originally scheduled time in order not to penalize the client following me and there will be no adjustment of my fee. I understand that the cancellation policy for sessions is 24-hour notice. I agree to keep all sessions I have scheduled and I agree to remit full payment for any appointments canceled without adequate cancellation notice.
I have read the above informed consent and cancellation policy, understand, and agree to it.

Ian G.

"Profound improvement in migraine symptoms after just 1 session.
I highly recommend Justin to anyone dealing with a chronic issue."

Ian G.

Sara F.

"Justin brings a lot of care to his work and it was a powerful shift for me.
Highly Recommend!"

Sara F.

Rachel C.

"I find my CranioSacral sessions with Justin to be greatly helpful
to my physical and mental health."

Rachel C.

Sophie N.

"Physically I am the strongest I have been in years, mentally the clearest.
Justin's energy is so comforting and safe. Absolute miracle worker."

Sophie N.

Kevin W.

"I'm so grateful Justin introduced me to CranioSacral therapy. I work in a high stress setting as a first responder and working with Justin has been nothing short of transformative."

Kevin W.

Bonnie Z.

"I am in front of a computer 10+ hrs a day and my body was jacked up, my results have
been amazing, he has helped my body align, shoulders relax and hips release."

Bonnie Z.